Floating Shelf Decor for Every Season

Floating Shelf Decor for Every Season


Simply Sassy Styles is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.

My DIY floating shelves are my favorite decor item in my house! Decorating them for every season or holiday is so fun but can be a challenge given that the width is pretty small to work with. Thankfully Amazon and Hobby Lobby usually come to my rescue! I thought it’d be fun to do a little series on how decorate my shelves! I’ll update this blog post every season with what I come up with. 🙂

Everything listed I got from either Hobby Lobby, Amazon, or Wal Mart! My “Moore” sign was hand painted by my husbands aunt and is not linkable unfortunately! I also apologize for the poor picture quality, my IPhone 7 just isnt cutting it anymore. 😛 Enjoy!

  1. Happiness is Homemade Sign
  2. Floral Decor Platter
  3. Mini Watering Cans (Aqua and Yellow)
  4. White and Black Metal Vase
  5. 4 Pack Artificial Mini Plants
  6. Velvet Eucalyptus Stem
  7. Pink Tulip Bush
  8. Easter Egg Tree (In Store Purchase Only)
Girl! Wash Your Face! Twice!

Girl! Wash Your Face! Twice!

Simply Sassy Styles is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.

That dreaded task of washing your face before bed; as women we all know it too well. It feels so good, yet its so tempting to just crawl into bed and forget about it. I use to just forget about it, I thought “whats the point? I’m just gonna break out anyways!” Until I discovered that I’ve been doing it all wrong!

I was minding my own business one day, tapping through Instagram stories when a girl that worked at Colourpop Cosmetics said “If you aren’t DOUBLE cleansing you’re doing it wrong.” Instantly I thought to myself “are you serious?! I already have to wash my face once and now you want me to do it again? All before I can go to bed.” Seemed liked a lot to me. 😛 But basically what this girl was saying is that you want something that will rid your face of all the make-up so that you can then cleanse with something that will rid your face of all the dirt and oil that’s underneath. Seems pretty smart, right?

So the next time I was in Ulta I thought “what the heck! I’ll try it.” I was already using a great face wash that took all my make up off so whats one more step? I stumbled onto Soap and Glory purely by accident, their packaging really drew me in.

I cant say I really struggled with acne but then again I thought that always having 2 to 3 pimples on your face was totally normal. Until I started using this method and realized it’s not! Since starting this the only time i get acne now is right before my time of the month and even that is rare!

You probably think I’m going to try and sell you some really expensive face wash, right? WRONG! What I use is totally affordable! And the best part? One bottle has lasted me over a year! (this is just what I use that has worked really well for me, I think with any 2 step system you’ll see results. I just love how affordable this has been)

For the 2 products I’m gonna share it costs right around $20 bucks. I have the best luck finding both at Ulta but every once and awhile I get lucky at Target. Its getting harder and harder for me to find Step 1 so I usually end up ordering off amazon where its the cheapest.

That’s it! I’m telling you implementing these 2 steps have been HUGE in my skincare routine. I’ve been doing it for over a year and I never break out anymore! My skin is very sensitive and very dry and neither of these products irritate that in the slightest! Its an added bonus how affordable they are! I also haven’t experienced any hormonal, pregnancy acne for the past 7 months so that’s a win win in my book!

SO if you’re one that wears make-up everyday, you aren’t double cleansing and you struggle with acne I highly suggest giving this a try! It has completely changed the face washing game for me and on days where I don’t wear make-up I just use the Vitamin C wash, I think that alone has changed the way I wash my skin. I actually look forward to washing my face just for the simple fact that it keeps my acne away!


DIY Floating Shelves

DIY Floating Shelves

A couple months ago my husband and I bought our first house! It’s been a whirlwind the last couple months but our home is finally starting to come together! It’s been so much fun to put my personal touch on everything and making it our own! As soon as I saw this blank wall in our dining room I knew I wanted floating shelves! Something I could personalize throughout all the seasons of our lives and something that if I got bored with I could easily change it up without putting a ton of nail holes in the wall.

I went on amazon first to see how much a couple shelves could be and was shocked to realize that two 5 foot shelves would cost me over 60 dollars. We just bought a house I didn’t want to go into more debt by decorating it! Thankfully I told my sister my idea and she remembered that one of her really good friends made some shelves for under $20 bucks, she did some digging and found the article from this website: shanty-2-chic.com

A couple of modifications later and a few trips to bomgaars and my husband and I ended up making these shelves for just under $25. Shant-2-Chic uses wood glue for putting the shelves together; we wanted to make them a little more sturdy so we added some more screws for security. (That’s why ours cost over $20 and hers were under $20)

What you’re going to need:

2- 1X4’s and 1 – 1X2’s For Each Shelf

Wood Glue

And some Screws! That’s it!

We went to our nearest lumber supply store in town and just had someone cut the wood for us! We got enough to make two 5 foot shelves. They also had wood glue and I highly recommend going with Gorilla Glue.

We got home, sanded the wood a little, I painted mine white but you could easily stain and varnish yours. I had white paints already on hand so I didn’t add that into the cost. We started by screwing our first 1X4 into the back of the other 1X4, then glued the 1X2 onto the front of the first 1X4. Sound Confusing? Here’s a picture for reference!

After we let the glue dry for roughly 12-24 hours it was time to hang!! We did use a stud finder and some wall anchors just for safety. I can’t stress enough that you definitely want to screw into the studs! These shelves are heavy and they will be holding a lot!

I honestly just had my hubby hold them to decide how far apart I wanted them but we made sure they were both in the middle of the wall! I love how they turned out and I love them even more for being so affordable!! I will definitely be making more in the future!!! I would love to see yours! Make sure to send me a pic if you do!!!

Why I Switched To Menstrual Discs

Why I Switched To Menstrual Discs

I feel like this is a subject no one wants to talk about but something that needs to be talked about!

I’ve tried a lot of products for your period. I’ve never been a fan of tampons, pads are uncomfortable and a menstrual cup kind of grossed me out. So when I heard about a company that made disposable menstrual disc, that were easy to put in and take out without a mess and mailed them to you every month I was instantly intrigued. Bonus I have a link that can get you 40% off your trial box!

I’ve been using Flex for 2 years now and I will never go back to tampons and pads. Flex Menstrual Discs aren’t a cup, better than a tampon and last up to 12 hours!  There website says it best: “Unlike tampons and menstrual cups, FLEX sits just past the vaginal canal in the same place as a diaphragm and can’t be felt at all once in place.”

Besides feeling like you aren’t even on your period here are some other really great things about Flex:

Up to 12-hour wear during sleep, exercise, swimming, and more

Mess-free period sex due to the unique positioning

Reduces cramps in up to 60% of users

Reduces dryness and irritation in up to 80% of user

Not linked to TSS

Flex’s website has all the information you need to get started plus they teach you how to use Flex! You can also use my link http://rwrd.io/8f2t10p to get 40% off you first trial package! No commitment required.

You can also base your subscription based on how light or heavy your period is! I’m on the light subscription right now so I get 8 discs every other month for $13 dollars and you never pay for shipping!

I could honestly brag about Flex all day! But I really think you should try it and figure out for yourself how great it really is! It’s so nice to not have to dread getting my period every month! And once I find something I love I have to pass it on!!! I guarantee you’ll be just in love with it as I am!

How To Apply Self Tanner

How To Apply Self Tanner

My Simply Sassy Style is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com

This post is really going to break down how I apply my self tanner and the steps I take beforehand. Being a redhead I am pale and the most tan I ever get is when my freckles get darker and closer together.  So doing all these steps has been a game changer!

I will usually do this the day before I have an event; that way if I do want to build the coverage I could apply a 2nd coat the next morning before I rinse. To check out which self-tanner I use check out my blog post “Drugstore Self-Tanner That Works!” I LOVE my self-tanner; it doesn’t transfer on my sheets so it’s not a problem to sleep in! Bonus! It’s under $20.


Step 2. SHAVE (If you arent using a billie razor you are SERIOUSLY missing out. It is the BEST shave of my life)


Step 4. Tan

Step 5. Sleep

Step 6. Rinse

Now I have found that Steps 1-3 are best done in the morning so that your lotion can really soak in. Step 4 is best done right before bed on the same day. I use a mitt with big, circle, motions; starting with my legs and working my way towards the middle. I do my feet with as little product on my mitt as possible. Your tan is really going to have the time to set and soak in while you sleep. In the morning you will want to rinse off in the shower without washing your hair and using little to no soap. 

If you’re worried about your hands or feet turning orange or missing spots between your fingers here are 2 tips! 1. Moisturize Moisturize Moisturize! I will apply lotion to my feet 2 to 3 times during the day before I apply tanner. Dryer areas like your feet, knees, and elbows will tend to turn orange. 2. For my hands and fingers I make sure I’m done with all my “before bed stuff” like brushing my teeth and washing my face so that I wont have to get my hands wet again. Then I apply 1 pump onto my palms and rub it in like I would lotion making sure I get in-between my fingers evenly coated and then I am off to bed!

I will rave that my exfoliate and body butter lotion are THEE best smelling thing I have ever put on my body!!! The smell lasts all day and I will never use anything else! It’s on amazon and also available at Target and Utla! Ulta has it on super sale BOGO 50% off so I always check that out when I go there! I also recently started using the Billie Razor and it. is. amazing. Such a close shave and I now i can go longer in-between shaves which also saves me tan! Win! Win!

I hope this helps! Tanning can be intimidating and a little scary to try the first time, but with a little trial and error you will be on your way to a gorgeous tan!!

Self-Tanning Must Haves