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This post is really going to break down how I apply my self tanner and the steps I take beforehand. Being a redhead I am pale and the most tan I ever get is when my freckles get darker and closer together. So doing all these steps has been a game changer!
I will usually do this the day before I have an event; that way if I do want to build the coverage I could apply a 2nd coat the next morning before I rinse. To check out which self-tanner I use check out my blog post “Drugstore Self-Tanner That Works!” I LOVE my self-tanner; it doesn’t transfer on my sheets so it’s not a problem to sleep in! Bonus! It’s under $20.
Step 2. SHAVE (If you arent using a billie razor you are SERIOUSLY missing out. It is the BEST shave of my life)
Step 4. Tan
Step 5. Sleep
Step 6. Rinse
Now I have found that Steps 1-3 are best done in the morning so that your lotion can really soak in. Step 4 is best done right before bed on the same day. I use a mitt with big, circle, motions; starting with my legs and working my way towards the middle. I do my feet with as little product on my mitt as possible. Your tan is really going to have the time to set and soak in while you sleep. In the morning you will want to rinse off in the shower without washing your hair and using little to no soap.
If you’re worried about your hands or feet turning orange or missing spots between your fingers here are 2 tips! 1. Moisturize Moisturize Moisturize! I will apply lotion to my feet 2 to 3 times during the day before I apply tanner. Dryer areas like your feet, knees, and elbows will tend to turn orange. 2. For my hands and fingers I make sure I’m done with all my “before bed stuff” like brushing my teeth and washing my face so that I wont have to get my hands wet again. Then I apply 1 pump onto my palms and rub it in like I would lotion making sure I get in-between my fingers evenly coated and then I am off to bed!
I will rave that my exfoliate and body butter lotion are THEE best smelling thing I have ever put on my body!!! The smell lasts all day and I will never use anything else! It’s on amazon and also available at Target and Utla! Ulta has it on super sale BOGO 50% off so I always check that out when I go there! I also recently started using the Billie Razor and it. is. amazing. Such a close shave and I now i can go longer in-between shaves which also saves me tan! Win! Win!
I hope this helps! Tanning can be intimidating and a little scary to try the first time, but with a little trial and error you will be on your way to a gorgeous tan!!