I feel like this is a subject no one wants to talk about but something that needs to be talked about!
I’ve tried a lot of products for your period. I’ve never been a fan of tampons, pads are uncomfortable and a menstrual cup kind of grossed me out. So when I heard about a company that made disposable menstrual disc, that were easy to put in and take out without a mess and mailed them to you every month I was instantly intrigued. Bonus I have a link that can get you 40% off your trial box!

I’ve been using Flex for 2 years now and I will never go back to tampons and pads. Flex Menstrual Discs aren’t a cup, better than a tampon and last up to 12 hours! There website says it best: “Unlike tampons and menstrual cups, FLEX sits just past the vaginal canal in the same place as a diaphragm and can’t be felt at all once in place.”
Besides feeling like you aren’t even on your period here are some other really great things about Flex:
Up to 12-hour wear during sleep, exercise, swimming, and more
Mess-free period sex due to the unique positioning
Reduces cramps in up to 60% of users
Reduces dryness and irritation in up to 80% of user
Not linked to TSS
Flex’s website has all the information you need to get started plus they teach you how to use Flex! You can also use my link http://rwrd.io/8f2t10p to get 40% off you first trial package! No commitment required.
You can also base your subscription based on how light or heavy your period is! I’m on the light subscription right now so I get 8 discs every other month for $13 dollars and you never pay for shipping!

I could honestly brag about Flex all day! But I really think you should try it and figure out for yourself how great it really is! It’s so nice to not have to dread getting my period every month! And once I find something I love I have to pass it on!!! I guarantee you’ll be just in love with it as I am!